
My Stomach is Full – So Why am I Still So Hungry

Christmas has come and gone and my stomach is bursting.I ate so much, that I have a personal date with my porcelain chariot. I am stuffed to the brim and feeling content like a big fat pig.

With all that food resting in my tummy, why is it that I am still hungry? The answer is quite simple, I am extremely hungry at being successful in IM now.

I have been doing IM for around 3 years now and in my mind, I am a failure. I have a very nice portfolio of sites, I have the tools and the knowledge and I am making money…so what’s wrong? ….

My focus has totally changed now. I honestly could care less about the amount of money I want to make. I am sure every day of every month that I have been doing IM, I have stated that I want to make this amount per month and do this or that.

So what’s the plan? Honestly, it is just to get it done. I will become more goal oriented and hit whatever goals I have set for myself.

Those goals will be (just off the top of my head):

  • Finish my websites completely
  • Go through every step of my promotion checklist
  • Stop acting like I need a heavy dose of Ritalin
  • Stop checking my stats every minute of the day
  • Block out all of the noise around me
  • Make myself accountable for my actions…in a very serious way.
  • Work till my eyes hurt
  • Don’t get comfortable
  • Enough talking…more action
  • Stop dreaming and saying..woulda, coulda, shoulda

I am sure this list could go on and on and on, but right now, there are just so many things for me to accomplish my goals.

I will be off to eat some more food as my friend is having a cookout. I am sure I am going to be stuffed and wallowing in epic piggyness (another goal that needs to be done).

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